Cavoletti e Patate

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All families have secret recipes, ones that are like treasures we are proud of. Well, this is mine. My father’s mother, Assunta, was my beautiful adorable Nonna (grandma) and she was a great cook, the best I’ve ever known. Everything was easy for her. And her cooking was so traditional, she was born in a small italian town called Paliano (based in an area called Ciociaria) and lived there until she met my grandpa Nazzareno (I’ve never met him but they tell me he looked just like my father: a strong man with blond hair and blue eyes).
My grandma had this strong accent, typical of the area where she was born and the food she used to prepare was typical as well. I remember her Cicoria Ripassata (pan fried chicory), her vegetable soups and other amazing healthy things I regret not having written down.

Cavoletti e Patate (black cabbage and potatoes) is one of those magical grandma recipes, when ever I tell people about this dish no one knows what I’m talking about so I’m pretty sure it’s one of those local recipes that have gone lost through time. You must try it so here’s the recipe.

Cavoletti e Patate
serves 4

2 heads of black cabbage
4 large potatoes
olive oil

Clean and cut the cabbage to the desired size. Boil the cabbage in unsalted water until cooked (for about 20 minutes). Drain it and leave aside.
Boil the potatoes with their skin until cooked (for about 30/40 minutes). Remove from water, skin and mash the potatoes with a fork. Put a generous amount of olive oil in a fry pan, add the cabbage (make sure you squeezed all the extra water), potatoes and salt. Cook on medium heat and turn once in a while. Remove from heat when it starts to get crunchy.